How Long Have You Been In Australia?
How long have you been in Australia? is probably one of the first questions people ask me when we meet. It can be in any manner of places, at the checkout queue in the supermarket, waiting for the bus, waiting for people at the airport and it comes from all different types of people. When I’m asked I always feel a little self-conscious of my Yorkshire accent, after all this is what has probably given me away. When I tell the questioner “11 years” I already know the response: ‘wow you sound like you have just stepped off a plane, isn’t your accent cute” Whilst I always answer the question with a smile, and sometimes truth be told I may answer “all my life” or “about 10 minutes”. I always then feel the need to explain why I don’t sound like an aussie after all this time. The thing is I spend an awful lot of time speaking to my family back home, even after nearly 11 years. I video call my sisters and parents nearly every day, even if it’s just for 5 minutes while I am w...